BIKIN NAGIH! Resep Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor Enak

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Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor. Ini dia cara membuat Kerak Telor (Jakarta Betawi Traditional Food). Abang penjual yang ada di Pasar Malam, Jejeran (Imogiri). A wide variety of egg muffin options are available to you, such as feature, certification, and material.

Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor dengan 7 langkah. Mari disimak cara membuatnya.

Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor These scrambled egg muffins with plenty of sausage and Cheddar cheese make a filling and fun treat at your next brunch. They're pretty, hearty, and fun to serve. Kerak telor ready to eat, By: Rani Yunus. Kamu bisa membuat Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor menggunakan 9 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 7 cara mudah untuk membuatnya. Langsung saja disimak

Bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor

  1. Tambahkan Telor (yg penting bisa menutupi bahan2).
  2. Tambahkan potong kecil Sosis.
  3. Ambil potong kecil Wortel.
  4. Ambil potong kecil Daun bawang.
  5. Siapkan Merica.
  6. Ambil Garam.
  7. Tambahkan Mozzarella cheese (optional).
  8. Ambil Cetakan.
  9. Siapkan Minyak goreng.

Simply put, Kerak Telor is an omelet made from Ketan Putih (glutinous rice) cooked with (preferably) duck or chicken egg It's very simple to make Kerak Telor as you only need a small pan to cook (as Kerak Telor is always served as a single portion), and you. Egg Muffins are an easy-to-make breakfast recipe. Watch the video showing you how to make this recipe, then scroll to the bottom of this Can you make these egg muffins ahead of time so you have egg muffins to eat all week long? Make ahead of time, and revel in your preparedness!

Cara mengolah Egg Muffin alias Kerak Telor

  1. Kocok telor & masukkan sosis, wortel, daun bawang yg semuanya sdh d potong kecil2. Bisa tambah yg lainnya sesuai kesukaan kalian, seperti cabe rawit potong, tomat potong ataupun daun sup potong..
  2. .
  3. Tambah merica & garam. Aduk rata..
  4. Tambahkan mozzarella cheese parut (optional) Dan aduk rata lagi. Di sini sy lupa masukkin ๐Ÿ˜†.
  5. Oles cetakan dengan minyak goreng supaya gk lengket. Tuang campuran telor td. Jgn terlalu penuh, krn bakal mengembang ketika di air fry / kukus..
  6. Sy pake Air fry 200c, 10 min. Bisa jg dengan di kukus kompor. Ataupun dgn Oven..
  7. Done ! Di keluarin dan cocolin dgn sambal, kecap manis & mayonaise. Enakkk deh..

Kerak telor or Egg crust is a Betawi (Jakarta) traditional spicy omelette dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is made from glutinous rice cooked with egg and served with serundeng The vendors of kerak telor are easily the most ubiquitous during annual Jakarta Fair and it has also become a must-have menu itemโ€ฆ Learn how to make light, airy and fluffy muffins without eggs. Find a huge collection of eggless muffin recipes with tips and tricks. This food Called "Kerak Telor" Made from duck egg,, You can find this food only on special day or event, because its very rare now on Indonesia. These make-ahead egg muffins are packed with cottage cheese and veggies for a portable, high-protein breakfast.
